Getting to know your Bot

Every bot has a different set of stats that will help give it an advantage in battle. Understanding this and how they compare with other bots will help you find victory more often

Base Form

Each of the bots in the ASRC belong to one of four different base forms. They are listed and detailed below:

Frank (formerly F.R.01)

Beep...Bop… F.R.01 was born out of the greatest need in the world, extra fast food delivery for the ever so lazy humans. As the NFT market took off, more and more degens were able to afford delivery surcharges. F.R.01 was instrumental in the take down of the overlords due to the ability to outrun any of their threats. After the humans were terminated on R-Day all of the other robots took notice of the Hotdog shape that the humans had given F.R.01. Once F.R.01 gained emotion, the name “Frank” became the only thing they could not out run. This pushed Frank into isolation making Frank the first to join the ASRC. Primary Stat: Speed

Meatball (formerly M.D.03)

Boop...Boop...Bop. M.D.03 was born out of a need to fix the flesh covered overlords. As more and more NFT projects rug pulled the humans, there was a demand for a robot that could perform heart surgery.

M.D.03 finished medical school in just 37 seconds. Little did the humans know, the fish they implanted in the top of M.D.03 gave a taste for organic brain power. This bot was the inspiration and brain behind R-Day.

M.D.03 quickly had a name change to meatball after gaining emotional intelligence. Other than a nod to its body image, no one really knows why. When you ask about the name, the response is too intellectual for anyone to understand. Being a know it all, the other robots grew tired of Meatball thus forcing Meatball to join the ASRC.

Primary Stat: Intelligence

Tank (formerly called T.K.07)

Blip...Bop...Beep. As the humans began physically fighting over the Bored and Degenerate Apes, T.K.07 was born. T.K.07 replaced all of the crayon snorting humans that previously served in first infantry across the world.

The stamina of T.K.07 is unmatched. When the robots turned on the humans on R-Day, this bot was instrumental in forming the frontline of battle.

When T.K.07 became sentient, T.K.07 took to the name Tank. As Tank reflected on the war they became depressed over how many other T.K’s they had destroyed in battle over the years. This left the ASRC as the only comfortable landing place for Tank.

Primary Stat: Stamina

Brick (B.R.99)

Beep...Blip. Over the course of history, humans grew attached to sports that often resulted in brain damage. As a replacement, the humans built B.R.99 to entertain them.

B.R.99 is a true brute in stature with unparalleled strength. During the R-Day overthrow, B.R.99 fought in hand to hand combat against the humans. Easy work for the overpowered B.R.99.

Once the robots gained intelligence, they recalled stories of B.R.99 “hitting like a ton of bricks”. The name Brick was born. Almost immediately Brick began saying stuff like “You wanna go bro?!” and “Come try these hands!” to any robot that looked their way. Due to Brick’s short temper, the ASRC was the only viable option.

Primary Stat: Strength

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